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KVStore Namespace Reference

Key-value store. More...


Boolean append (String key, Array values, Function|Undefined callback)
 Append values to the list for the specified key.
Number clear (Function|Undefined callback)
 Delete all stored entries.
Number dequeue (String key, Integer|Undefined count, Function|Undefined callback)
 Dequeues the number of values from the list for the specified key.
Number destroy (Function|Undefined callback)
 Deallocate native resources used for this store.
Object entries (Function|Undefined callback)
 All the entries from this store.
Any get (String key, Function|Undefined callback)
 Get an element from the store.
Object getBatch (Array keyList, Function|Undefined callback)
 Get multiple elements from the store.
Array keys (Function|Undefined callback)
 All the keys from this store.
Object KVStore (String|Undefined|Number filePathOrHandle, Function|Undefined callback)
 Create KVStore instance.
Number persist (Function|Undefined callback)
 Save all contents to file.
Any put (String key, Object|Array value, Function|Undefined callback)
 Put an element to the store.
Object putBatch (Object obj, Function|Undefined callback)
 Put multiple elements to the store.
Boolean remove (String key, Function|Undefined callback)
 Remove an element from the store.
Array removeBatch (Array keyList, Function|Undefined callback)
 Remove multiple elements from the store.
Number size (Function|Undefined callback)
 Number of entries in this store.

Detailed Description

Key-value store (linked hash multimap) that lives in shared memory and can be safely accessed from multiple threads.

Can be optionally created over the persistent file on disk. In that case file contents are read on store creation and saved on store destroy (for example, on application shutdown) or on a persist() call.

Usage example:

// create transient (non-persistent store)
var st1 = new KVStore();
// create persistent store over a file
var st = new KVStore("path/to/my.json");
// put entries into store
st.put("foo", "bar");
st.put("baz": [42, 43]);
// append values to existing entry
// existing value must be an array
st.append("baz", [44, 45, 46];
// removes values from the head of the existing entry
// existing value must be an array
st.dequeue("baz", 1); // "baz" value now is [45, 46]
// remove entry
// share store with other threads
var chan = new Channel("my/channel/name", 1);
kvstoreHandle: st.handle
// access store from other thread
var channel = Channel.lookup("my/channel/name");
var handle = channel.peek().kvstoreHandle;
var st = new KVStore(handle);
// persist store to file
// destroy store, persisting it to file
// and de-allocating native resources

Function Documentation

Boolean KVStore::append ( String  key,
Array  values,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Extends the array, stored as a value for the specified key, with the specified list of values (appending each value to the end of the array).

If key doesn't exist in the store - it is created with the specified values list.

If key exists in the store, its value must be an Array.

keyString key of the entry to append to, its already inserted value must be a JSON Array
valuesArray list of values to append to the existing list already stored for the specified key
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Boolean true, if the key existed and its value (JSON Array) was actually appended to; false if key didn't exist and was created with the specified values list
Number KVStore::clear ( Function|Undefined  callback)

Removes all elements from the store and (if this store was constructed over a file) overwrites the persistent file with empty contents.

callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Number number of entries removed
Number KVStore::dequeue ( String  key,
Integer|Undefined  count,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Removes the specified number of values from the head of the array, stored as a value for the specified key.

If the specified count is larger than a size of an Array - all elements from Array are removed.

If key exists in the store, its value must be an Array.

If key doesn't exist in the store or if Array is empty - does nothing.

keyString key of the entry to to deque from, its already inserted value must be a JSON Array
countInteger|Undefined number of elements to dequeue, default value: 1
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Number number of elements dequeued
Number KVStore::destroy ( Function|Undefined  callback)

Saves store contents to a file (if this store was constructed over a file) and destroys the store de-allocating the native resources associates with it.

callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Number number of elements in store before destroy
Object KVStore::entries ( Function|Undefined  callback)

Returns an Object containing all the entries from the store.

callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Object all the contents of the store
Any KVStore::get ( String  key,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Retrieves an element from the store with the specified key. Returns null if specified key is not found.

keyString key to retrieve
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Any stored value (Object or Array) or null if no key was found
Object KVStore::getBatch ( Array  keyList,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Retrieves multiple elements from the store using specified keyList. Returning object contains only the keys (and retrieved values) that were found in the store. Keys, that were not found, are not included into result.

keyListArray list of keys to retrieve
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Object objects with each property containing a key from the specified list and a retrieved value for that key - Object or Array
Array KVStore::keys ( Function|Undefined  callback)

Returns an Array containing all the keys from this store. Keys are returned in the insertion order.

callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Array list of all the keys in the store
Object KVStore::KVStore ( String|Undefined|Number  filePathOrHandle,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Create a store instance allocating the native resources for it. If path to file is specified, entries from this file will be be loaded into store and this file will be used to persist the contents of the store.

If empty (or null) file path specified - store will be memory-only without dist persistence.

If handle value is specified - uses existing store with this handle.

filePathOrHandleString|Undefined|Number this argument represents either a path to the file (String) where to persist store contents; or a handle (Number) of the existing KVStore object created in another thread; if argument is null ot not specified persistence is not used
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Object KVStore instance
Number KVStore::persist ( Function|Undefined  callback)

Saves all the contents of the store to the file on disk. Throws an error, if no file path was specified on store creation.

callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Number number of elements saved to JSON file
Any KVStore::put ( String  key,
Object|Array  value,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Inserts the specified value into the store using the specified key. If key already exist in the store, its value it overwritten.

keyString key to insert
valueObject|Array value to insert
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Any value (Object or Array) that was stored with the specified key or null if no existing key was found
Object KVStore::putBatch ( Object  obj,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Inserts all properties from the specified Object into the store. If the store already contains some of the inserted keys, their values are overwritten.

objObject object containing the set of elements to insert, each property value must be either Object or Array
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Object object containing entries with the matching keys that were overwritten by the insertion; entries that were not overwritten are not included
Boolean KVStore::remove ( String  key,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Removes the element with the specified key from the store.

keyString key to remove
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Boolean true if the specified key was found (and the corresponding entry was removed), false otherwise
Array KVStore::removeBatch ( Array  keyList,
Function|Undefined  callback 

Remove the elemtns with the specified keys from the store.

keyListArray list of keys to remove
callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Array list of the keys, that were found in the store and removed
Number KVStore::size ( Function|Undefined  callback)

Returns the number of entries in this store.

callbackFunction|Undefined callback to receive result or error
Number number of entries in the store